All-New Kamloops, BC Location
– Coming Early 2023

Large, 10,000 sq ft Facility with Fresh Retail, Office and Design Centre Southern Irrigation is excited to announce we are expanding our small Kamloops store (previously Highlands Irrigation) by redeveloping to a new, larger building and location. This will be an all-new, ground-up build with more retail space to showcase the broad range of water solutions that Southern Irrigation carries, and will have more office space which will include improved design services for [...]

2022-06-03T12:01:19-07:00April 22nd, 2021|Press Release|

Zimmatic Pivoting Lateral Video

ZIMMATIC PIVOTING LATERAL VIDEO THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Transcript You wouldn’t eat soup with a fork, or use a bicycle to pull your implements. But, are you using the right equipment to irrigate your fields? Center pivots and lateral-move systems are often great for traditional fields, but when you really need to make the most of every inch of land, such as with high-value crops on a large or irregular [...]

2022-01-19T13:30:43-08:00April 9th, 2021|Pivots and Laterals|