Dust Suppression2023-07-26T09:11:51-07:00


High temperatures and low humidity can fill feedlots with harmful manure dust. Dust can be controlled with a combination of scraping manure and watering down debris. Cooling is also a major benefit of feedlot irrigation as livestock cooling increases feed consumption and reduces overheating.

Using Big Gun sprinklers on your feedlot suppresses dust and cools your livestock simultaneously!

Settling dust is also necessary for industrial sites such as quarries, construction sites, coal mines, and haul roads. Our large sprinklers are built to endure corrosive environments and provide optimal coverage, with enough height to clear coal piles.

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Dust suppression feedlot

Kolk Farms Upgrades Feedlot With
Automated Dust Suppression System

Kolk Farms produce 20 million lbs of beef per year, and the amount of dust that feedlots create was creating a poor environment for the workers, cattle and the surrounding community.

“Southern Irrigation designed a great dust suppression system and explained how each gun would impact the feedlot.”
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Nelson Big Gun Sprinkler 150 Series


Overwatering can cause odour problems that are even worse than dust, and uniformity of water coverage is vital to prevent standing water. The Big Gun Sprinkler operates at a wide range of pressures and flow rates to achieve maximum uniformity, keeping cattle healthy and feedlot operations running smoothly.

Permanent solid set Big Gun Sprinkler systems are the perfect way to control feedlot dust. Ideally, they’re installed along the fence line or with protective risers inside the pen at least 6′ (2m) high.

With various nozzle sizes and types available, Big Gun systems can adjust, allowing for changes in the climate and seasons, which keeps feedlots cool year-round.

Nelson Big Gun Sprinklers can be reliably automated using Nelson Control Valves and TWIG® Wireless Control Systems.

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Twig Wireless Control System

Twig Wireless Control Systems turn valves on and off in the most simple and reliable way possible. It allows you to put the right amount of water where you need it most while reducing labour requirements, unnecessary features, and troublesome wires.

The newest generation consists of a “master controller,” the TWIG-MC, that communicates via 900 MHz radio signal with TWIG devices (nodes, or RTUs) installed in the field next to solenoid-operated irrigation valves. The TWIG-MC is programmed and operated using a mobile app (iOS or Android) and controlled via Bluetooth® or an internet connection.

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Nelson TWIG MC

Nelson TWIG MC

Nelson TWIG R Wireless Control System

Nelson TWIG R Wireless Control

Nelson TWIG V Hub

Nelson TWIG V Hub

Nelson Twig V

Nelson TWIG V

Control Valves

Not all valves are created equal. As a hydraulically operated sleeve-type valve, Nelson control valves are designed for reliable and efficient operation. There simply isn’t any other valve with better hydraulic performance – from the smooth open/close to the ultra-accurate pressure control pilot and high flow capacity.

They are designed to handle tough agriculture environments while simplifying installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

Contact one of our experienced staff members for a quote on your next project

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