FieldNET Advisor Video

FIELDNET ADVISOR: REMOTE IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT FieldNET® by Lindsay is the industry's first fully integrated wireless and mobile solution to manage irrigation systems, providing automatic control of water and chemigation application to employ best management practices. Transcript As a grower, you need more control over your water, fertilizer and chemigation throughout the entire crop lifecycle. You need to know what’s going on with your irrigation operation at all times. You need [...]

2022-01-19T14:05:23-08:00March 9th, 2021|FieldNET, Pivots and Laterals|

Save Time and Increase Yields with a Long Lasting Zimmatic Pivot Sprinkler System

Increase Farm Revenue with Unused Land Farmers are choosing to increase the value of their assets by eliminating idle land. Irrigation allows for more crop versatility and higher yields as it grants the ability to hedge against the weather. It allows the grower to avoid the negative effects of dry years, spotty moisture patterns and removes the waiting period for moisture to begin the growing season. Mechanical move irrigation, such as a centre [...]

2024-03-11T15:02:43-07:00March 5th, 2021|FieldNET, Pivots and Laterals, Zimmatic|