Eljen GSF – Geotextile Sand Filter

THE ELJEN GSF ® A42: A MODULAR SEPTIC LEACHFIELD SYSTEM Choosing the right septic system is crucial for managing wastewater on your property. The Eljen GSF ® A42, or Geotextile Sand Filter, is an innovative alternative to conventional onsite septic leach field systems. Designed with advanced technology, the Eljen GSF saves space and enhances effluent treatment, ensuring long-term protection for your soil and groundwater. View Brochure What Makes [...]

2024-08-27T15:07:19-07:00August 27th, 2024|Civil Works, Septic, Septic Systems|

The Importance of Septic Systems: Managing Wastewater and Protecting the Environment

THE NEED FOR SEPTIC SYSTEMS Water Usage and Waste Generation  Humans use a lot of water: besides what we eat and drink, an average adult in North America uses about 300 litres a day. This large amount, along with waste, must be effectively managed to prevent contamination and promote sanitation. City Sewer System and Treatment Plants So where does it all go? For most people, the waste disappears down their [...]

2023-05-16T14:15:37-07:00May 16th, 2023|Civil Works, Septic Systems|